Starting at 92.68 kr
Retail Price 148.34 kr

PF Concept 134032 - Rage 25-piece tyre-shaped tool set - Silver

  1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Stock Qty.
Unique 132.33 kr 119.09 kr 112.54 kr 105.92 kr 99.30 kr 92.68 kr 2242
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PF Concept 134032

Rage 25-piece tyre-shaped tool set. 25-piece tool set includes a mini tape measurer, Phillips head screw driver, flat head screw driver, 9 bits with adaptor (4 Phillips heads, 2 flat heads, and 3 Hex heads), 3 Hex wrenches, 5 sockets (5-9mm), needle nose pliers, screw driver handle and adaptor for bits and a convenient case. Packed in a STAC gift box. Exclusive design. ABS Plastic.

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PF Concept 134032 - Rage 25-piece tyre-shaped tool set Silver
Size 1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Stock Qty.
Unique 132.33 kr 119.09 kr 112.54 kr 105.92 kr 99.30 kr 92.68 kr 2242